Magnet Guidebooks

Magnet information: Everything you need to know briefly

Magnets are an integral part of our everyday lives. We encounter them in various shapes, colors, or sizes - such as neodymium magnets, electromagnets, rod and ringmagnets or in the well-known horseshoe magnet shape. But what do we know about them? We have summarized the most important magnet information.

What does "Magnet" mean?

So what actually is a magnet? The word "magnet" comes from the Greek and means something like 'stone made of magnesia'. This is a stretch of land on the Hellenic Peninsula where the ancient Greeks are said to have first encountered an iron-attracting lodestone (magnetite) over 2,000 years ago. The history of magnets is still the focus of countless scientific studies.

In general, the magnet corresponds to a body that magnetically attracts or repels another body. This form of attraction or repulsion is also known as magnetism and is a fundamental natural phenomenon.

Why is a magnet magnetic?

Probably the most exciting question revolves around how the magnet works. The magnet keeps the information to itself, but researchers have deciphered the origins of magnetism.

A magnet creates a magnetic field and is traversed by it. So-called field lines illustrate the magnetic forces. Those areas through which most of the magnetic field flows are called poles.
The opposite poles are north and south poles. Without magnetic fields, no magnetic forces would exist, since otherwise there would be no force between the magnet and the magnetizable object .

The world also has a geomagnetic field (e.g., recognizable by a compass). The causes of this geomagnetic field are probably hidden deep inside the earth, where electrically conductive matter circulates and moves in hot currents.
Electric charges are the keyword here.

On the one hand, the law of induction is responsible for the fact that magnetic fields are created when electric charges move (electromagnet). On the other hand, certain elementary particles have their own magnetic moments because of their spin, i.e., the intrinsic angular momentum of their fundamental particles (permanent magnet).

The most important magnet information: What types of magnets are there?

In general, a distinction is made between:

  • Diamagnetism
  • Paramagnetism
  • Ferromagnetism
  • Antiferromagnetism
  • Ferrimagnetism

Each material is characterized by certain magnetic properties.

Magnet information on diamagnetism

Diamagnetic materials have no magnetic properties without an external magnetic field. They develop an induced magnetic field that opposes the external magnetic field.

Examples: Bismuth, carbon

Magnet information on paramagnetism

Paramagnetic substances also require an external magnetic field. The magnetization then increases more on the inside than on the outside, with the result that paramagnets are drawn into a magnetic field.

Examples: Nitrogen Dioxide, Oxygen, Alkaline Metals (Lithium, Sodium, etc.), Alkaline Earth Metals (Magnesium, Calcium, etc.), Rare Earths

Magnet information on ferromagnetism

What attracts a magnet? The answer is: Ferromagnetic materials.
Ferromagnetism is the most well-known type of magnetism. The magnetic moments of ferromagnets tend to align in parallel. Ferromagnets either generate a permanent magnetic field themselves or are strongly attracted by an external magnetic field. As classic solids, permanent magnets, electric motors, or transformers are the most common applications.

Examples: Iron, cobalt, nickel

Magnet information on antiferromagnetism

The neighboring elementary magnets in antiferromagnetic materials have the same magnitude but are oriented in opposite directions to one another. Magnetization cannot be measured without an external magnetic field. Above a certain temperature limit (Néel temperature), antiferromagnetic materials behave like paramagnets.

Examples: Manganese, chromium, iron compounds (wustite, hematite, etc.), nickel compounds (nickel-II-oxide, nickel disulfide, etc.)

Magnet Information on ferrimagnetism

Ferrimagnetic materials have a crystal structure in which the magnetic moments in the so-called Weiss domains are alternately aligned antiparallel. In contrast to ferromagnetism, the magnetic order of the elementary magnets differs here. As a result, ferrimagnets are slightly weaker than ferromagnets.

Examples: Cobalt ironstone, mixtures of bivalent iron with bivalent metal ion (copper, nickel, etc.)

What is the strongest magnet in the world?

The well-known neodymium magnets are known as the strongest magnets in the world. Their magnetic force is many times higher than that of conventional models such as ferrite magnets. Their heat resistance and high operating temperatures make them popular tools in heavy industry, but neodymium is now used in a wide variety of industries - for example in:

  • Engine workshops
  • PC and mobile phone productions
  • Loudspeakers

Magnets and their value for mankind

By discovering and researching the magnets, we are getting more information about the mysterious material. The range of uses for humans is enormous. Magnets are used as components in technology and industry as well as simple permanent magnets for refrigerators. There are many different magnet products to buy that differ in terms of strength or adhesive force.

Magnetic pinboards, self-adhesive magnetic tape, mini magnets, magnetic mats, or sphere magnets - no matter in which form magnetic materials are used, they are all united by the magnetic forces of attraction.

Sophisticated alloys and strong magnet systems have been developed over time through experimental research. Among the best known: