Magnetic holders: The best magnetic holders for household, job & more

Magnetic holders have become an indispensable part of our everyday life. This not only includes large magnet systems that are used, for example, as load lifters in industry - magnetism can also and especially be used in a practical way in everyday life. For example, with the help of holding magnets, fastening options for knives, tools and everyday objects of all kinds can be tinkered with in no time at all. Magnetic mobile phone holders are also selling like hot cakes, as they are more reliable than simple, non-magnetic attachments.
There are almost no limits to your imagination when using it. You can get an overview of the most popular magnetic holders below.

What are the advantages of magnetic holders?

Magnetic mounts are available in many different colors, shapes, and materials. Each one has different advantages and disadvantages.
Neodymium brackets, for example, hold particularly firmly and reliably, but can only be removed with difficulty - and are also susceptible to corrosion.
Ferrite, on the other hand, is more weather-resistant and cheaper than neodymium, but weaker.

In general, magnetic holders are characterized by their adhesive force and, finally, their robustness. While ordinary holders often wear out - especially those made of plastic or other fragile materials - magnets retain their properties for years unless they are demagnetized.
They can also be easily detached from surfaces and therefore represent an interesting alternative to other materials that must be fixed with screws or nails.

What types of magnetic holders are there?

As already described, magnets are used in different areas. Examples of popular uses include:

Magnetic knife holders are an ideal complement to the kitchen equipment. The holders usually consist of a magnetic rail - optionally equipped with wood - to which knives of all types and sizes can be easily attached. The holding power ensures they stay in place.
Knife strips are a worthwhile investment, especially for large knives. These often don't fit in drawers but can easily be hung on the wall.

Tool strips with a magnetic top or bottom work in a similar way to knife strips but are primarily used in workshops or tool rooms. The advantage is that you can arrange tools by size, type and weight and place them as clearly as possible. Thanks to the magnetic tool holder, you no longer must search for individual hammers, saws or the like when doing handicrafts.

  • Magnetic phone holders

Magnetic holders for mobile phones are primarily used in cars. They are particularly handy because they usually don't take up much space and hold your smartphone or iPhone securely so that it doesn't slide around in the car while driving.
Usually, a metal base plate is glued to the back of the cell phone, which then attaches to the magnetic holder.

  • Magnetic holder for the cupboard

AMagnetic holders also prove their worth on cupboards of all kinds. The practical furniture magnets are available in different versions - for example as discmagnets to screw on or as a stop with round pole faces.
They can easily be attached to the inside of a cabinet door - the counterpart on the door frame - to hold it in place. This is worthwhile, for example, if you want to prevent small children from opening certain doors or drawers. Depending on the version, some force is required to detach the magnets from each other.

  • Magnetic fire door holder

Special magnet holders are used for fire protection doors. These are usually equipped with an electronic device that keeps the doors open during normal operation.
The closing process is initiated with the aid of a brief electrical impulse to safely lock off the endangered rooms. The magnets are bombproof.

  • Magnetic holder for smoke detectors

A simple and very practical holding device is the magnetic attachment for smoke detectors.
The latter usually must be attached to the wall with dowels and screws. The practical magnetic holders, on the other hand, can simply be stuck to the wall if they have self-adhesive undersides. The smoke detector is then held securely but can also be detached at any time if necessary.

This form of magnetic holder is used in industry and trade. Lifting magnets, for example, hold steel blocks, pipes, signs and more or are used during transport. Many come with a ring so they can be easily attached to cranes or other fixtures. You can also simply pick up lighter holding magnets and use them to fix steel or iron parts to magnetic surfaces.

Conclusion: Magnetic holders are versatile and useful tools

Magnets as holding devices open a wealth of possible uses. It is crucial that you check exactly which type of magnet is best suited for your purposes and how much magnetic force you need before you use it.
If you handle magnets that are too strong or too weak - especially in the work environment - this can quickly lead to injuries. So, invest some time in finding the ideal model.