Tesla (unit)
The unit Tesla in magnetism
The physical entity Tesla was named after the engineer and inventor Nikola Tesla. Often this indicates the strength of a magnetic field. Formally, this is not entirely correct, since the definition of the magnetic flux density does not correspond to that of the magnetic field. However, it can ultimately be specified in the two quantities (units) Gauss and Tesla. The following relationship applies to convert the Tesla unitunit
1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss
1 T = 1000 mT (esla)
1KG (outside) = 0.1T (esla)
In physics, the magnetic flux density is abbreviated by the letter B. A magnet is ferromagnetic magnetized material. The strength of the magnet is described by remanence. The units of remanence of a permanent magnet are thus also the units Gauss and Tesla.
Physical Fundamentals of the Tesla Unit and Calculation
The Tesla unit has, for example, a corresponding validity in the SI system too: here it is indicated by the units of measure kilogram and meter. For the time measurement, the second is also used. The SI units Tesla and Gauss are therefore not basic units of measurement: the magnetic flux density can finally be calculated from the force of moving charges. The following relationship applies:
A Tesla is equal to a Newton per meter and ampere. An exemplary example illustrates this: It corresponds exactly to the flux density of a Tesla, which exerts on a 1 meter long electrical conductor, which in turn conducts a current of 1 ampere, exactly 1 Newton attraction. The necessary magnetic field is created by the current flow in the conductor or by the moving electrons.
From the magnetic flux density B one can determine the magnetic field strength H. The magnetic flux density must be divided by the permeability of the vacuum μ0 and that of the material μ - for example, the core material of a coil (usually iron in the transformer):
In the literature, the magnetic field strength often includes the Tesla unit. As already mentioned, this is not entirely correct: Gauss and Tesla are the units for the magnetic flux density. In the SI system, the magnetic field strength is given in units of oersteds or amps per meter: